Sea Tow- one of the most important rescue boats on the harbor for recreational boaters:
With the weather turning colder and the seas getting rougher, it gets more dangerous to be out on the water. Fortunately, we have some pretty neat rescue and navigation equipment out on the harbor that can come to your need if you get in trouble.
Don’t forget to take precautions on your own including 1) keeping your equipment maintained, 2) keeping Coast Guard required safety equipment on board (lifejackets, flares, etc), 3) becoming a SeaTow or BoatUS tow member in case you break down, and 4) monitoring channel 16, the Coast Guard channel, while out on the water. Here are a few pictures I have taken out on the water of some of Boston’s fleet of rescue and safety craft. Above is a picture of one of Sea Tow’s vessels in Hingham Harbor.
Sea Tow rescue in progress:
Coast Guard Cruiser patrolling the inner harbor:
A smaller Coast Guard Patrol Boat keeps recreational boaters in line during a recent tall ships event. Check out the guns on this thing…you don’t want to mess with these guys!
Pilot boat escorting a larger boat out of the harbor:
Fire and rescue boat docked in East Boston:
Boston’s police boats including the gray harbor patrol craft, which is, as us Bostonians would say, “wicked fast.” These are some of the most often used rescue boats on the Boston Harbor.