When you go to Castle Island on a rainy fall day- like this past Sunday- when you are the only one there, it looks kind of spooky. Sometimes it is easy to forget how spooky Castle Island can look when it is a sunny, summer afternoon when people are out for a walk around the park or a stop at the nearby Sullivan’s restaurant for a meal.
The fort, officially named Fort Independence stands at the entrance to the inner harbor at a strategic location. The current structure, built in the late 1700s, was once an Island, but is now a peninsula as the flats to the east were filled in and are currently the sight of the Conley Terminal. A large breakwater surrounds the bay near the fort, and it is paved, creating a nice walking and jogging trail. There is too much detailed history to be fully discussed here, but a link to some additional information about the fort can be found here.
The Southwest corner of the Fort at Castle Island on a cold, dark fall day:
The Northwest side of the fort, with the old cannons mounted on the roof:
Looking out toward the harbor:
East side of the fort:
Castle Island from the Harbor: