The mackerel bite is on out by the B buoy, indicating that fall fishing season is still underway. I was hanging out near the B Buoy on Saturday, trying to catch some cod, but all I kept getting was mackerel. (I tried hooking one up on a line to get something bigger, but no luck…) This is the area where the mackerel are known to hang out, as they feed on small squid and fish that eat marine growth on the cable holding the buoy.
Located about 5 miles East/NE of Graves light and about 13 miles East/NE of downtown Boston, the B Buoy is a pretty easy trip from Boston Harbor, even for a smaller boat if it is a calm day (I used to take my 19′ out there all the time). It is significantly closer to shore than the 44013 buoy. For exact location, see the upper right corner of this chart. The B buoy, pictured below, is a red and white buoy giving the all clear to shipping traffic, which can pass the buoy on all sides. The buoy is equipped with a racon, which shows up as a “B” on radar. For reference, a racon is a radar beacon, not to be confused with a raccoon.
One of the many Mackerel I caught out there on Saturday:
View looking West/SW toward the city skyline, which is visible in the distance: