As a large narrow Peninsula jutting out into the Eastern edge of Boston Harbor and separating it from the Atlantic Ocean, the town of Hull is unique to this area in that it has a large Western-facing shoreline. From here, one can look back West and see sunset over the Boston Harbor and the city skyline. Here are some photos of a sunset from the North side of Hull, near Allerton Point, this past Sunday night (11/11). This shot is looking Southwest toward Quincy, with the Blue Hills visible in the back:
Looking South along the inner shore line of Hull’s North side. The boats that continue to remain in the water at this time of the year are mostly the commercial fleet:
Sunset looking North from Fort Revere at the top of Hull ‘s Allerton Point (Here is an earlier photo of the same location at mid day). Note the rays of sun hit Graves light and make it look like it is on and operational, even though it has long been abandoned:
Another view, taken from the exact same location as photo at top of page- only this time it is zoomed out. From here, you can see the tower at Fort Revere on the right side.