Down here on the South Shore we have a lot of wild turkeys that run around in the woods and occasionally get aggressive. There is even a spot called Turkey Hill, near the Hingham-Cohasset border which was presumptively named for the large number of wild turkeys that can be found running around there.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
This sight was once the sight of an anti-missile radar control station operated by military during the cold war. The hill now is part of a Massachusetts reservation, and provides stunning views of the Boston skyline and Massachusetts Bay. On a clear day, one can see all the way up along the North Shore- to Salem, Manchester, and even as far as Gloucester. Below is a view of the coastline and Hull’s large wind turbine, as seen from the top of Turkey Hill, looking North East.
To the west lies the Weir River Farm, which is owned by the MA Trustees of Reservations. This is a great view of the Boston Harbor and Boston Skyline. I had to get someone to moooo-ove out of the way before I took this:
Some views looking East from Turkey Hill:
To the Northeast, one can see as far as the end of Cape Ann on a clear day. Below is a highly zoomed in photo of Gloucester, which is distinguishable due to its wind turbines:
A panoramic shot of Hull and Boston Light at the south entrance to Boston Harbor, with the North Shore (Revere) visible in the background:
A view looking North, with Graves Light to the Left, and the smoke stacks Salem Power Station to the Right:
This is relevant to mariners as Turkey Hill is visible very far offshore due to its recognizable radio towers and nearby large water tank. Any captain navigating south of the Harbor entrance at Nantasket Roads should be able to see the twin radios and water tank, and use them as a point of reference while off the shores of Hull, Cohasset or Scituate.
Turkey Hill’s Radio Towers:
The large water tank, also visible from a boat far offshore: