Aerial photos often provide some of the best perspective of the layout of an area. We have posted some of the Boston area previously, but here are some more recent ones from last week, taken while flying south out of Boston.
An aerial photo of Marthas Vineyard looking Southwest. Chappaquiddick, located on the East side of the island can be seen in the foreground, while the Elizabeth Islands are visible in the back.
Flying over the Southwest entrance of the Cape Cod canal and looking South across Buzzard’s Bay. In the foreground you may be able to make out The rail bridge and Mass Maritime Academy. As you follow Route 28 South on the East side of the bay, you can see Wing’s Neck, Basset Island, Woods Hole, and even the Elizabeth Islands and the Vineyard. On the West side, New Bedford is slightly visible:
Looking over Madaket in Eastern Nantucket. The breaking waves are visible in the channel between the mainland and Tukernuck Island. From thing angle you can see just how shallow these waters are- boaters need to be careful here:
An angled shot of both Nantucket (foreground) and Martha’s Vineyard (background). The area between the two, known as the Muskeget Channel, and is prime location for Bonito Fishing in the summer time!