A fishing boat sits off Cohasset Cove, early on a sunny July morning:
The Minot area, located off Scituate and Cohasset is a good area for fishing and visiting by boat. We have written about it in the past (link here). Its a short and easy haul down from Boston Harbor on a calm day: less than ten miles from the Harbor’s entrance at Point Allerton. The challenge of minot is navigating the many rocks and ledges in the area.
Minot Light up close. A grave danger to boaters, Minot ledge extends far to the Southwest of the lighthouse. However, you can get pretty close from the Northeast as I did here (I don’t recommend trying this yourself, the towers sensors will pick up your craft and sound a rather loud horn).
The Grampuses, a group of particularly dangerous ledges outside Cohasset cove. A fair share of ships have gotten in trouble here over the years, such as the Brig St. John, which had made it all the way from Galway Ireland before sadly ending its journey on these ledges instead of Boston Harbor:
A fisherman, focused and seriously at work: