Here is a shot taken last Sunday evening (8/11) which was a particularly clear night:
The location was Martin’s Ledge, which is a submerged rock outcrop about a mile East of Outer Brewster Island. It is marked with a “4” red buoy on its outer boundary. The ledge is a good place for fishing, and a popular location to go diving. It is also great for taking in panoramic views of the whole of Boston Harbor to the West, and the expanse of Massachusetts Bay to the East. From here, one gets a relatively unobstructed view of a sunset over the city, which is what you see here.
Here is a close up view of the #4 nun out at Martin’s Ledge. I don’t know what Martin’s Ledge is named for, but will try to find out. Martin’s is one of several rock outcrops lying around the Brewster Islands. I strongly suspect that the nearby Tewksbury Rock, lying between Martin’s Ledge and the eastern edge of Outer Brewster Island, was named for Captain William Tewksbury: He was the legendary captain of the Deer Island Lifesaving Station who made many a heroic rescue of distressed ships in the outer harbor.
A venture to Martin’s is only appropriate in a sturdy ocean worthy craft given its open ocean location and exposure to large wind fetch in all directions. I would not recommend heading out here in a small boat or kayak.